Potential of Earth’s core as a reservoir for noble gases: Case for helium and neon
doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.2028 lower mantle upper mantle OIB MORB outer core Low 3 He/ 22 Ne High 3 He/ 4 He Co re C on tr ib ut io n This study investigates metal-silicate partitioning of neon (D Ne) under the likely conditions of early Earth's core formation: up to 16 GPa, ∼ 3000 K and an oxygen fugacity near IW-2 (2 log units below the Iron-Wüstite buffer). We find that the D Ne coefficients range between 10 −2 and 10 −1. These partition coefficients are only one of the controlling factors of noble gas distributions within the early Earth: because, even if D He and D Ne are low (∼10 −4), there may have been sufficient noble gases present in the mantle to supply a significant quantity of He and Ne to the core. Assuming gas-melt equilibrium of the molten proto-Earth with a nebular gas composition and con-comitant metal-silicate differentiation, the core would have inherited and maintained throughout Earth's history high 3 He/ 4 He ratios and low 3 He/ 22 Ne ratios (<0.6), making the core a potential source of primordial light noble gases in mantle plumes.
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