Has Structural Economic Vulnerability Decreased in Least Developed Countries? Lessons Drawn from Retrospective Indices - Université Clermont Auvergne
Article Dans Une Revue The Journal of Development Studies Année : 2016

Has Structural Economic Vulnerability Decreased in Least Developed Countries? Lessons Drawn from Retrospective Indices

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Dates et versions

hal-02044948 , version 1 (21-02-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02044948 , version 1


Joel Cariolle, Michaël Goujon, Patrick Guillaumont. Has Structural Economic Vulnerability Decreased in Least Developed Countries? Lessons Drawn from Retrospective Indices. The Journal of Development Studies, 2016, 52 (5), pp.591-606. ⟨hal-02044948⟩
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